⭐️STORE SCHEDULE NOTICE⭐️ (Updated 14th August 2020) The following stores are open in Quayside Shoping Centre: ✅ Life Style Sports…
WIN at Regatta! Regatta Ireland are celebrating St Patricks Day this year with a week-long in store event. ☘️☘️NOW…
Easter Pop Up Markets This year Easter break is going to be special at Quayside Shopping Centre with the return…
WIN A SLIGO SHOPPING BREAK Need a little breakaway? WIN a Sligo shopping break 🙌❤️ We have a nice stay for…
Santa's Grotto 2019 Santa’s grotto will open in December on Fridays from 3-6pm, Saturday 12-6pm and Sunday 12-6pm. It…
SANTA'S GRAND ARRIVAL FRIDAY 6TH DECEMBER AT 5pm We look forward to welcoming Santa Claus and his Elves to Quayside Shopping Centre on Friday…